Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date31/05/2023
AuthorHerry Trisaputra Zuna
Published ByMinistry of Public Works and Housing of the Republic of Indonesia
Edited BySaba Bilquis

Indonesia Green Affordable Housing Program

Housing in Urban Areas: FLPP* & SSB** disbursement for vertical housing is only 992 units or 0,05%. Meanwhile, the ownership backlog in urban areas reaches 10 million HHs. Housing for Informal Sector: The informal sector needs a facility to build houses independently and incrementally, as well as renovation and retrofitting for RTLH but the current FLPP product only focuses on new housing. The informal sector only serves 18% of total beneficiaries. Meanwhile, the ownership backlog for the informal sector reaches 59,45%. Green Affordable Housing Construction Finance: Housing quality for low-income HH is not environmentally friendly and mostly sub-standard. Housing in Indonesia contributes to Carbon emissions (3,88% direct emission & 20,72% indirect emission). Indonesia targeted to 41% Carbon Emission Reduction and 100% Net Zero Carbon Housing by 2030.

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