Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 13/05/2020
Author Stephanie Landrum
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Suneela Farooqi

Investing in the places, working people call home

The Washington Housing Initiative is a transformational, market-driven approach to preserve and these initiatives create affordable workforce housing in rapidly changing communities through its two primary vehicles the Impact Pool and the Washington Housing Conservancy.

The Washington Housing Conservancy is defined as it owns and operating affordable workforce housing, builds to connect communities and most important factor is a self-sustaining independent non-profit corporation supported by the Federal City Council and the others are an investment vehicle that provides loans to preserve affordable workforce housing, Investor returns capped at 7% Managed at cost by JBG SMITH and fund size targeted about  $150 million fund size.

Washington Housing Initiatives defines as committed to long-term affordability, focus on High-Impact Locations across the Washington region, Invest at scale, with speed, certainty and sustaining and strengthening inclusive communities along with Goals preserve 3,000 units of naturally occurring affordable workforce housing, to prevent displacement & address resident needs and provide new, private capital for workforce housing.

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