Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date22/02/2019
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Edited BySuneela Farooqi

Kenya – The Affordable Housing Program for Broader Economy Beyond the Delivery of Homes

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Document Type:General
Publish Date:February 2019
Edited By:Suneela Farooqi

The Government of Kenya will implement the big priority initiative of 500,000 affordable homes for their people. They much understand that housing rank is high after food as a fundamental human need of the people. The government of Kenya has a Constitution and recognized that is the right to accessible and adequate housing for everyone and to reasonable standards of sanitation. It is true that in Kenya the urban area has spent a  major part of their income on rent, for example, the Nairobian has spent more than 40% of their income on rent. At present, the available lower-income housing is not adequate and does not promote the quality of life that we want as evidenced by the fact that 6.4M Kenyans were living in slums about 56% of the country’s urban population. It is estimated that Kenya has an annual housing demand of 250,000 annually with an estimated supply of 50,000 p.a. (80% deficit) targeting the high-end market. The demand is projected to increase by 300,000 units a year by 2050.

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