Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 21/06/2019
Author Working- is in progress in ACASH
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Suneela Farooqi

Low and Zero Emissions in The Steel and Cement Industries

The iron, steel, cement, and concrete industries are important elements of the global economy and development for construction, and these materials for buildings, infrastructure, and industry can be used more efficiently but are also irreplaceable for key needs for the foreseeable future. These sectors are  growing emitters of CO2. It is true that Iron & steel represents 6- 8% and cement & concrete 6% of global energy system combustion and industrial process CO2 emissions. The cement demand is projected to grow by 12- 23% by 2050 and steel demand by 15-40% by 2050. In  the current scenario, these sectors are projected to double by 2060. As the Paris Agreement on climate goals to stabilize global temperatures at well below 2°C, and towards 1.5°C require energy system and industrial process CO2 emissions either become net negative by 2050-2070 or be compensated with land use or technological negative emissions. It will apply to all sectors with steel and cement sector and to get net-zero CO2 emissions for these sectors it will need increasing material efficiency to reduce the primary demand of these materials like iron, steel, and cement, and higher-value recycling and improved processes for decarbonizing production.

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