Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Low Cost Housing Models for Urban and Rural Areas Using Rammed Earth Technique

Affordable housing is a term used to describe dwelling units whose total housing costs are deemed “Affordable” to a group of people within a specified income range. In a building the foundation, walls, doors and windows, floors, and roofs are the most important components, which can be analyzed individually based on the needs thus, improving the speed of construction and reducing the construction cost.

In some parts of the world, many buildings are constructed only with concrete or mudbricks. This is dangerous in the case of seismic activity. Steel reinforcement would be an ideal solution, but the cost is a considerable problem. Scientists and engineers are constantly seeking new materials for structural systems; the idea of using bamboo as possible reinforcement has gained popularity with due course of time. Since time immemorial, bamboo has been used traditionally as a building material throughout the world’s tropical and sub-tropical regions. Bamboo is a renewable and versatile resource, characterized by high strength and low weight, and is easily worked using simple tools. As such, bamboo constructions are easy to build, resilient to wind and even earthquake forces, and readily repairable in the event of damage. Thus, locally available bamboo and soil can substantially mitigate the housing problem in rural areas in constructing efficient, low cost and lightweight structures.



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