Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date02/06/2022
AuthorA Sravan Kumar Reddy and K Hemanth Raja
Published ByInternational Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering
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hybrid construction

A Low-Cost Hybrid Construction Techniques and Materials

Low-budget hybrid construction is a type of idea that deals with efficacious costing and following of techniques that avail in truncating the cost of production via the usage of remote to be had material in the juxtaposition of and technology amended adeptness without losing the puissance, overall performance, and existence of the structure.

There is an astronomically significant false impression that low-cost housing is apt for the most effective subnormal works. With the aid of utilizing frugal building material of low pleasant this type of construction will be done.

The fact is that low-fee housing is carried out through opportune management of sources. The financial system is moreover achieved by deferring culminated work or enforcing them in stages.

It is performed through using the cull of a more efficient cloth or through an amended layout. The construction of low-fee housing via low-fee construction materials increases access to homes through low-income institutions peoples.

The advantages of low-price building materials are pollution aversion, truncating energy intake and usage of natural materials, and reusability of building substances. A review of sundry low-fee constructing design management is provided in this paper.

Here are some common features of low-cost hybrid construction:

1. Mixed Material for Hybrid Construction:

Mixed materials include wood, concrete, steel, and sometimes recycled materials including shipping containers or reclaimed wood. These materials are blended for a low-cost hybrid construction.

2. Prefabrication:

Under the prefabrication process, building sections are assembled in a factory and transported to the construction site for final assembly.

3. Adaptive Design:

The building should be designed as per the local climate conditions and environment to reduce the need for heating, cooling, and insulation systems, thus reducing the costs.

4. Local Sourcing:

Identifying and using local resources can help reduce the cost further as it can massively cut the transportation cost.

5. Sustainable Practices:

Passive solar design, rainwater harvesting, and energy-efficient appliances are some examples of sustainable practices that can reduce costs.

6. Simple Construction Techniques:

Keeping your construction simple with minimal specialized equipment or expertise can further lower down the cost.




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