Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 23/10/2008
Author Updating by ACASH is in process
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Edited By Saba Bilquis

Low Cost Sustainable Building Materials India

Low-cost or affordable construction technologies and materials are always in the ever-growing demand for rapid housing delivery in developing economies like India. From the global trends in rural to urban migration, most of developing countries are facing an enormous service backlog and massive delivery challenges in addressing its millennium development goals in the provision of housing and shelter. With growing concern over global warming and climate change, global responsibility in the consumption and production of renewable energy becomes not only a vital necessity but a moral imperative also. This has imposed a thrust towards the use of eco-friendly materials and sustainable architecture in both developed and developing countries. This paper focused on some of the eco-friendly materials used for construction industries at low cost. Building materials and technologies, and building practices have evolved through the ages. Housing and building conditions reflect the living standards of a society. Stones, mud, thatch/leaves and timber represent the earliest building materials used for the construction of dwellings. The quest for durable building materials is an ongoing phenomenon ever since man started construction activity. Sustainable materials are the key to limiting the impact on the ecological system. Local techniques and technology, resources and materials are a good starting point when researching or implementing projects.

Housing models should determine the sustainability of the building materials through lifecycle analysis, and occupational use of buildings including renewable energy, water, land and use of resources. Appropriate technology goes hand in hand with the design and building materials. It should correspond to local conditions, reflect and respect climatic conditions and demand a minimum of maintenance.

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