Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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MOAB- Area Affordable Housing Plan in U.S.A

Housing is the backbone of every community. Housing has direct and indirect links to all aspects of community and economic development and serves as the foundation for a high quality of life. The Moab Area needs an adequate and accessible supply of housing for residents and employees in order to sustain its reputation as a world-class destination and a great community in which individuals and families can live, work, and play. To that end, this housing plan shall guide future policy-making, budgeting, and programmatic development at various levels of local government.

Housing affordability has become a primary challenge for communities across the country. Regardless of size, location, economic profile, or political character, demand for affordable housing has never exceeded supply by such a large degree, as supported by the data presented in this plan. The imbalance is exacerbated in amenities-rich communities throughout the American West. Although Moab is not alone in trying to overcome the housing challenge, it must find solutions appropriate to the local context.

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