Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 15/02/2007
Author Abdul Hassan
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

National Overview of the Housing Market in Fiji

National Overview of the Housing Market in Fiji

This paper provides an overview of the housing market in Fiji. The research would look into the development in the housing market over the last five years, housing prices, and future trends.

The Fiji housing market has experienced rapid growth over recent years. Before this, there had never been such strong price growth. There is a sharp increase in housing prices particularly in Suva City, followed by other urban centres. Suva has outperformed other centers as the price has often doubled over a short period.

The recent price hike has concerned residents and the government. The sharp deterioration in affordability by an average Fijian provides a challenging backdrop to the Fiji Government’s target to increase homeownership by the residents. The Real Estate Agent Bill has been enacted recently, enabling the government to bring real estate dealing under statutory control.

This paper seeks to establish the factors contributing to the changing structure of the housing market in Fiji and the impact it will have on an average prospective Fijian homebuyer.

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