Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 15/07/2021
Published By Maya Maria Balamoti Galvin
Edited By Saba Bilquis


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Document Type: General
Publish Date: 2021
Primary Author: Maya Maria Balamoti Galvin
Edited By: Saba Bilquis
Published By: Maya Maria Balamoti Galvin

In order to develop effective building typologies for vernacular, sustainable, multi-unit housing projects, one must first understand the implications of architectural decisions on community development, the environment, and the quality of life of the users. This study presents the stances of current experts and visionaries within the field through the scope of four primary lenses. Through the analysis of three case studies–the Collective Living project by GAD architecture, the Ruca Dwellings project by Undurraga Devés Arquitectos, and the SOS Children’s Village Project by Urko Sanchez Architects–these scopes are further dissected within the methodology into ten primary characteristics. Comparison within the scope of each character allows the study to determine conflicts and commonalities between how the case studies react to similar problems while facing a unique set of constraints. This provides the groundwork for how the vernacular design process must be manipulated to meet the community development and sustainability goals of a project.

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