Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Bangladesh: Housing and Housing Sector

The document on housing and housing sector in Bangladesh. One of the most important basic needs of an individual, undoubtedly denotes affordable housing for providing him/her shelter, security as well as social...


Bangladesh: Habitat for Humanity

The document of Habitat for Humanity on Cyclone Sidr which was was the second occasion Habitat for Humanity responded to a natural disaster in Bangladesh. The cyclone struck as Habitat was providing transitiona...


Afghanistan: Final Report Rural Housing Microfinance

This document is a  Final Report summarizing the findings of SBI after conducting a Rural Housing Microfinance Survey for First Microfinance Bank-Afghanistan (FMFB-A). This survey was developed to support FMFB-...


Afghanistan: Rural Housing Micro-Finance

This presentation is about First Micro Finance Bank Afghanistan’s offering housing microfinance since 2008 and their current portfolio growing to more than $6 million in loans outstanding, serving more than 4,5...


Afghanistan: Regulatory and Policy Interventions to Promote Housing

This document is about developing the housing sector requires a clear legal framework and institutional infrastructure for commercial and financial transactions in the housing market. That means creating a soun...


Afghanistan: Rebuilding Housing

This document of IFC paper about Rebuilding Afghanistan’s housing. Worldwide, homeownership is a primary means of long-term wealth accumulation and financial security for most families and is important in promo...