Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Afghanistan: Microfinance Investment Facility

This document is about the Depository Microfinance Institution Regulation (DMFI Regulation) in Afghanistan for allowing microfinance institutions to collect deposits from the public. The question of whether MFI...


Afghanistan: Land Reform Project

This document is the Land Reform in Afghanistan (LARA) project that is working with the appropriate Afghan authorities to implement an IT solution for improving the inventory management of cadastral information...


Afghanistan: Islamic Housing Microfinance and Challenges

As most of the housing shortage is in the low-income segment, the poor need empowerment in housing finance. Institutional Housing Finance is either non-existent or at the infancy stage in most of the Muslim Wor...


Housing and Housing Finance challenges

World Population today is 7.12 billion (bn), and by 2050 will be 8.92 bn plus. Almost half of the World lives on less than $ 2.50 a day. Nearly 80% are under $10 a day. Worldwide, some 830 million people live i...


Housing Improvement Loan Product in Afghanistan

The document is based on the housing loan initiative aims by First Microfinance Bank Afghanistan (FMFB-A), its urban housing microfinance portfolio while developing, piloting, and rolling out housing microfinan...


Experiences of Young Afghans Returning “Home” From Pakistan and Iran

This is a report on refugees from Afghanistan returning to their homeland from Pakistan and Iran after two decades of protracted wars. The report synthesizes the findings of case studies conducted in three coun...