Any company whether incorporated within or outside Pakistan which transacts the business of banking or any associated or ancillary business in Pakistan through its branches within or outside Pakistan and includ...
The presentation is for work bank regional conference on Housng Finance discussing following points Regional Scenario Importance of the Region Socio-economic impact of Housing Sector Challenges Financial Aspec...
The presentation is about recovery of overdue in housing finance discussing following aspects Methods of Recovery Check List before Recall of Loan Recovery Ordinance-2001 Enforcement of securities Judicial int...
This presentation is based on loan servicing – HBFCL’s default management & recovery practices- a case study. The presentation contains servicing & default management (theoretical), HBFCL’s default mana...
Economy of Pakistan is the 26th largest economy in the world in terms of purchasing power, and the 47th largest in absolute dollar terms1 . Pakistan’s economy mainly encompasses textiles, chemicals, food ...
One of the major sectors hit hard by the Financial Crisis and global slowdown of economy is Development Finance. The decline in our domestic economy has had severe impact on the Development Finance Sector in Pa...