The issue of short supply of housing in the formal sector is due to many factors which are due to no linkage between urban planning, housing and poverty alleviation, non-availability of serviced land, developer...
Social venture fund that invests in nonprofits and socially directed for profits distributing vital products and services to the poor through scalable, market oriented approaches. About housing the urban poor, ...
Housing finance represents approximately 18% of total consumer financing in Pakistan. With outstanding (net of NPLs) at Rs.73.60 billion as on September 30, 2008, the housing finance sector has reported a growt...
This presentation is based on the study of loan servicing of HBFCL’s default management & recovery practices. It covers various issues in three parts, in Part A it is loan servicing & default management...
Urban population is nearly one-third of the total population and increasing. Likely to reach 50% by 2030-40. With changing socio-economic norms, household size will shrink from 6.6 to lower levels, leading to m...
The Central Registry of Securitization Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India (CERSAI) became operational in March 2011. Central registry helps to reduce frauds arising from multiple lending by dif...