Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Pakistan – Khuda Ki Basti

An affordable housing scheme in Pakistan, titled “Khuda-ki-Basti, in the city of Hyderabad, Pakistan. This housing scheme was initiated by the former director general of the Hyderabad Development Authority (HDA...


Pakistan – Evaluation of The Hda’s Khuda-Ki-Basti Incremental Housing Scheme

In March 1986, the HDA launched an Incremental Housing Scheme (IHS) in a portion of Gulshan-i-Shahbaz, a township which is being developed on the periphery of Hyderabad, Sind. The scheme aimed at overcoming the...


Pakistan – HBFC An Institutional Turnaround Spanning

House Building Finance Corporation (HBFC) was set up under the Government Act (titled “HBFC Act-1952”) as a public sector enterprise soon after Pakistan’s independence in 1947.  Thus HBFC (the Corporation), est...


Asia – Islamic Financial Markets Conference & Specialized Workshops

REITs originated in United States in 1960. They were created by US Congress to make investments in large-scale, income-generating real estate accessible to small investors. The Congress envisaged REITs as entit...


Conference on Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

  It is a presentation on mortgage-backed securitization (MBS), which globally is a very popular product. hopefully, HBFC’s proposed securitization will be the first MBS in the country. the proposed size o...


Pakistan – Islamic Model of House Financing

The Nature of contract is a co-ownership. The transaction is not based on lending & borrowing of money but on the joint ownership of an asset. In Islamic Housing Finance, bank takes risk in property up to t...