Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Pakistan: Islamic Housing Finance

This presentation is based on Islamic housing financing. It describes various modes of Islamic financing like Murabaha, Ijarah, Istisna, and Diminishing Musharakah (Mostly used in banks for Islamic Housing Fina...


Africa – Sustainable Rental Housing Market

The need and methods of developing sustainable formal rental housing market. It discusses the advantages of rental housing against homeownership, the availability and affordability across households with varyin...


India: Affordable Housing

Affordable housing in Ahmedabad, India. In 2012, the estimated housing shortage in India was 18.78 million units. 88% of this shortage pertains to households with annual incomes of about Rs100,000 (USD 1,724) a...


Afghanistan: Housing and Housing Finance-Report on Financial Sector

This document is  detailing the state of housing and housing finance of Afghanistan. The document mentions how Afghanistan’s particular history had an effect on the urbanization and flow of population within th...


Afghanistan Housing Sector Assessment

This paper outlines the current situation in which financial institutions operate within the housing sector and the major issues that need to be addressed and make recommendations on positive movement towards t...


Pakistan – Affordable Housing & Housing Subsidy Options

Housing shortage in Pakistan has assumed an alarming proportion which requires a careful evaluation, assessment and well planed strategies to minimize housing backlog. Government has initiated practical steps i...