Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Real Estate Market(REM) in Pakistan

Real Estate Market(REM) has taken exponential plunge in the wake of the economic recession driving the investor settlement to all time lows. However where the world has failed in providing opportunities and pot...


Population, Housing Census in Pakistan

The Council of Common Interest (CCI), which met here at the PM Office on Wednesday with Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in the chair, decided that the 6th population census will be held in March 2016 with ...


Book on Housing – Mortgage Finance Guidelines – Introduction

This document is a draft book on housing, which is the portion of mortgage finance Guidelines. This series of documents on mortgage financing has been written as textbook material with the express intention tha...


Analyzing The PLS Based Saving – Poverty Alleviation

This presentation is outlining the reasons behind the required change in the interest-based conventional microfinance approach for alleviation of poverty. The presentation also analyses the PLS-based MitGhamr s...


Pakistan: Microfinancing by Islamic Microfinance Institution

The presentation is Isaiah Islamic Microfinance Institution, Pakistan’ Islamic micro-finance initiatives. Isaiah Islamic Microfinance Institution  registered as a non Profit Public Limited Company Limited by Gu...


Malaysia Building and common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007

This document is based on a Malaysian act titled Building And Common Property (Maintenance And Management) Act 2007.