Owning a home for shelter and comfort is central to most families’ ultimate plans and is also considered a definition of personal success. During periods of rapid economic growth, many have the notion tha...
Bank Negara Malaysia has always been at the forefront of the country’s noble pursuit in providing dynamic and cutting-edge support to the Islamic finance industry. In tandem with the burgeoning interest in Isla...
Roughly 50% of the Hong Kong population live in public rental flats or subsidized housing. Hence, the remaining 50% are potential buyers of private residential property for personal use. Public and subsidized h...
The public housing in Hong Kong has gone through a number of transitional stages during the past fifty years. In the 1950 to 1960, public housing was only provided as Emergency Housing/shelter, to resettle the ...
The Government ensures that all those who cannot afford private rental accommodation have access to subsidized housing. Rents are set at affordable levels. During the year, new legislation was passed to provid...
A graphic presentation of statics of Hong Kong Housing Authority 2011 based on population, land domestic households, average domestic household size, stock of permanent residential flats and production of per...