Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Upscaling the Vienna Model of Social Housing to the EU level

Upscaling the Vienna Model of Social Housing to the EU level Introduction: Vienna, the capital city of Austria, is globally renowned for its high quality of life, rich cultural history, and progre...


Azerbaijan Jan Rapid Housing Needs Demand Assement – Baku Pilot

Azerbaijan Rapid Housing Needs And Demand Assessment – Baku Pilot Introduction: Housing markets in Eastern and Central Asia are characterized by high homeownership and widespread deferred maintenance and Azerba...


Addressing the Consequences of Russian Aggression towards Ukraine: The case of Affordable Housing in Central and Eastern Europe

Addressing the consequences of Russian aggression towards Ukraine: The case of affordable housing in Central and Eastern Europe Introduction: Soon after the start of the war in Ukraine, energy security became a...


Financing Housing Solutions for the Homeless in Europe

Financing housing solutions for the homeless in Europe Introduction: The main obstacles to obtaining harmonized data on the number of homeless people in Europe are the definition and measurement methods of home...


French Social Housing in an International Context

French Social Housing in an International Context Introduction French social housing, known as Habitation à Loyer Modéré (HLM), plays a significant role in the country’s housing landscape, accounting for ...


Affordable, Sustainable Housing Can Bring the Green Deal Home

Affordable, Sustainable Housing Can Bring the Green Deal Home Introduction Affordable housing is increasingly recognized as a critical component in addressing both social equity and environmental sustainability...