Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Edited By Saba Bilquis

Pakistan in the 21st Century Vision 2030

A Vision is like a dream, but one which is experienced with both eyes open and with one’s feet on the ground. The Medium Term Development Framework 2005-10 launched by the Government in July 2005 presented the Vision of a “developed, industrialized, just and prosperous Pakistan through rapid and sustainable development, in a resource constrained economy by deploying knowledge inputs”. Vision 2030 extends that dream further and higher in terms of space and time. The Vision 2030 for Pakistan has been prepared after a consultative process spread over two years. It presents a strategic framework for overcoming obstacles and challenges standing in the way of the preferred future chosen by the people of Pakistan. We aim to achieve the stated Vision within a generation, in a manner that sustains a high quality of life and provides equal opportunities to its citizens to reach their true potential. We plan to meet contemporary and future challenges by deploying knowledge inputs and developing human capital. This, we believe, is the substance of the Vision in our mind. The Vision document necessarily combines idealism with a sense of the possible. Its goals reflect the aspirations and potential of our people in the context of a fast hanging world. The Vision 2030 exercise considers a range of futures with concomitant strategic alignments. Yet the underlying theme is to embrace needed transformation, and to create new opportunities based on our innate strengths. This is the basic theme of Vision 2030. Growing economically at a rate of around 7-8 percent per annum, Pakistan expects to join the ranks of middle-income countries, with a GDP of around USD 4,000 by 2030. This high growth rate would be sustained through developing its human resources, and by developing the necessary physical and technological infrastructure.

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