Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Author Working is in progress in ACASH
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

PH1.2 Housing Policy Objectives and Obstacles

In their QuASH responses, 16 countries identified ensuring access to affordable housing as a key objective and most of these countries referred specifically to low-income households or ‘those in need. In addition, 12 countries reported among the main objectives for housing policy: “increasing access to adequate housing and/or improving housing conditions of specific population groups”. These target groups include:
1.  Indigenous people in Australia and Canada
2. Elderly people in Austria, Finland, Japan, and Sweden
3. People with special needs or disabilities in Bulgaria, Finland, and Switzerland
4. Young persons in the Czech Republic, Japan, Romania, Sweden, and
5. Families with children in the Czech Republic, Japan, Latvia, and Poland.

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