Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Planning Mechanisms for Affordable Housing

The land use planning framework can provide important support for the implementation of a local housing strategy. This section looks at how it can be used specifically to protect and promote affordable housing.

All local government areas will have a supply of existing affordable housing that plays a valuable role in meeting current housing needs and supporting social and economic diversity. This may include low-cost rental flats, boarding houses, hotel accommodations, shop top apartments, and caravan parks. Frequently there will be pressure to redevelop such housing or upgrade the stock to provide a higher standard of accommodation and house a different client group. This is particularly so when there is a clear need to improve the housing quality and amenity of decaying residential areas through urban renewal strategies. Protecting these existing sources of affordable housing in the face of market pressures can be a considerable challenge for local governments. However, because urban renewal frequently involves significant private sector interest and investment, there are often opportunities to retain and even create new affordable housing options through the planning process.

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