Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Indonesia: Proposed Senior Loans Housing Finance Program

Compared to global and regional standards, Indonesia’s financial sector is underdeveloped. The size of the finance sector is equivalent to only slightly more than 100% of gross domestic product (GDP), which is considerably less than the size of the financial sectors in large Asian economies such as India, where the equivalent figure is 300%, and the People’s Republic of China, where the figure is 500%.2 With a limited number of pension funds, insurance companies, and nonbanking institutions, Indonesia’s financial sector is characterized by the dominance of the banking industry, which controls about 80% of assets in the financial system (footnote 2). Despite a high number of commercial banks operating in this sector, 10 banks control about 64% of total assets in the system3, and four large state-owned commercial banks own about 36% of the assets in the banking industry.

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