Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Edited By Saba Bilquis

Ghana – Provision of Affordable Housing for Low Income Groups

Rapid population growth in developing countries and cities around the world in the last three to four decades has had serious challenges and consequences particularly on urban housing. Increasing urban growth in Sub-Saharan Africa means that providing housing and other services for urban residents, especially the low-income, will be a major issue for urban managers and governments. In Ghana, there is severe shortage of adequate and affordable housing for most of the urban population especially the low income groups. Households continue to provide their own housing through other strategies. These households produce housing through self-help approach – the construction of houses by private individuals for their own occupation mainly through incremental housing strategies. . The Government of Ghana has recognized the significance of this type of housing strategies but it is faced with monstrous task of how to clearly articulate and refine the process in such a way that, it can be implemented on a nation-wide basis. The study examined the characteristics of self-help housing developer. It further examined how incremental housing development achieves affordability and the effects of land tenure, infrastructure and financing on the incremental housing process. The study employed quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection from both primary and secondary sources.  The study revealed that progressive housing developers fall within the income category of GH¢100.00 and GH¢300 a month with majority employed in the private informal sector of the economy. The main source of financing housing development is personal savings and because of this, the building process takes between 5 to 8 years to complete the core house.

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