Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Author Working is in progress in ACASH
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

The Queensland Affordable And Social Housing Crisis

As Queensland’s State Election looms, Q Shelter members are calling for a policy platform that enables the growth and sustainability of the community housing and homelessness sector and empowers the sector to respond to our social and affordable housing crisis. To address housing affordability across Queensland, Q Shelter members need a state policy framework that enables them to take advantage of proposed Commonwealth initiatives that favor investment in affordable housing delivered by the community housing sector. Queensland needs this policy framework across its entire housing continuum – from homelessness and social housing to policy framework. This approach is crucial to identifying housing and support solutions for all Queenslanders. Safe, secure and affordable housing is the foundation that enables people to thrive, contribute and be connected to their community. The evidence is overwhelmingly clear: unaffordable and insecure housing causes a range of disadvantages for people, especially those on low incomes or experiencing vulnerability. Housing stress contributes to social and economic problems and creates a burden on other higher-cost state and commonwealth social services. This approach results in limited long-term outcomes.



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