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Document Type: General
Publish Date: June, 2009
Primary Author: Zaigham Mahmood Rizvi
Edited By: Suneela Farooqi
Published By: World Bank

A report on housing finance in India. India is a very vast country in many aspects. It is the home to 1.1 billion people, nearly one-sixth of the world population, a galaxy of diversified cultures and languages, and the second-fastest growing economy in the World after China. The other side of the picture is that India is the home to the world’s largest population of very needy and very poor. The economic progress of India is quite uneven and the rural sector, in particular, is lagging. India is a very vast country in many aspects. It is the home to 1.1 Bn people, nearly one-sixth of the world population, a galaxy of diversified cultures and languages, and the second-fastest growing economy in the World after China. The other side of the picture is that India is the home to the world’s largest population of very needy and very poor. The economic progress of India is quite uneven and the rural sector, in particular, is lagging. India, with a per capita income of around $ 800 ( well below the IDA per capita income eligibility)has its one-third population living below the World Bank US $ 2 per day poverty line.

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