Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 27/09/2017
Author Richmond Housing & Homelessness Strategy
Published By London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames
Edited By Tabassum Rahmani

Richmond housing & homelessness Strategy 2018 – 2023

Richmond housing & homelessness Strategy 2018 – 2023


Decent housing is fundamental in supporting the health and aspirations of residents, the local economy and building vibrant communities. London boroughs recognize that addressing the demand for housing in London and the South East is a significant challenge. Furthermore, we recognize that this challenge cannot be met alone, but requires effective collaborative working. The Strategy sets out the Council’s housing objectives over the next five years and how these will be met through the Council’s own efforts and by supporting our key partners.

It is estimated that the Borough needs between 895-915 new homes per year until 2033 to meet local demand. However, more than two thirds of its land is protected by either open space or conservation area status, resulting in both the highest land values of any outer London borough and limited sites to build on. With the supply of housing not meeting the increasing demand, we must provide effective housing advice and assistance services to help residents access the housing they need. We aim to provide effective services to help those who are homeless or threatened with homelessness.

Why develop a Housing and Homelessness Strategy?

The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) Housing and Homelessness Strategy sets out the Borough’s plans for housing and homelessness services for the period 2018-2023. For the first time, the Housing and Homelessness Strategies have been combined into one plan, in recognition of the interrelated aspects of providing housing options and support for residents including those who are threatened with homelessness.

Regional Context:

The Council’s Housing Strategy is required to be in general conformity with the London Housing Strategy under the Greater London Authority Act 2007.

The London Housing Strategy:

In September 2017 the Mayor released a new draft London Housing Strategy, which is currently under consultation. It sets out five priorities:

• Building Homes for Londoners

• Delivering Genuinely Affordable Homes

• High Quality Homes and Inclusive Neighbourhoods

• A Fairer Deal for Private Renters and Leaseholders

• Tackling Homelessness and helping Rough Sleepers

Draft Fuel Poverty Action Plan:

In August 2017 the Mayor of London released the draft fuel poverty action plan. Proposed actions include:

• Boosting the incomes of people in fuel poverty in London by supporting benefits uptake campaigns, referral services and programmes that provide direct advice and support to the fuel poor

• Increasing the energy efficiency of London’s homes so they are better insulated and use less energy

• Tendering for the delivery of an energy supply company, aiming to offer fairer energy bills to Londoners as soon as possible

The London Plan 2015:

The Plan recognised that Greater London has a single Housing Market Area (HMA), whereby 42,000 homes per annum (net) are planned for 2015-25. It set a minimum ten year target of 3,150 homes for the period 2015-25 (315 per annum) for LBRuT. Consultation on a new draft London Plan ended on 2nd March 2018.

South London Partnership:

The Council is a member of the South London Partnership comprised of five London boroughs, Richmond, Kingston, Croydon, Sutton and Merton.

Why housing is this important?

The SHMA 2016 identifies an overall housing need of between 895–915 homes per annum until 2033, with 50% being affordable housing. Whilst it is self evident that not all housing demands and options can be met in the Borough it is recognised that the development of affordable housing should meet a range of needs. This includes providing low cost rent housing to support formerly homeless households to move on from temporary accommodation, supporting low and middle income residents and workers into low cost rent and homeownership options and providing housing options that let more vulnerable residents live independently in their own homes.



The Council has various housing access queues which are open to applicants who are eligible and qualify for social housing, where the Council accepts that they require housing and they have been nominated by either social services or other approved partner support agencies (including domestic abuse refuges).

Also Read: Affordable Housing Development Program Guide

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