Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Author Working is in progress in ACASH
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Edited By Saba Bilquis

Role of Construction Industry in Economy

The construction industry is the main driving force behind industrial activities, for example, cement, steel & metallurgy, heavy machinery, equipment, and vehicles, etc, and many other plethoras of industries are prompted and needed by construction industries. So, it is needless to say that, the construction industry plays the most important role in economic development.

The sustainability of economic activity rests on four pillars of capital stock: man-made or manufactured capital, human capital, natural capital, and social capital. In this regard manufactured capital shows how important construction is in terms of accounting for a significant part of the nation’s wealth (the stock of manufactured assets), and in terms of adding to that wealth each year (investment).

A nation’s true wealth comprises the sum of all its capital assets: manmade, human, environmental, and social. Data compiled by the World Bank (1997) suggest that human capital dominates the total wealth of advanced European economies, accounting for some 75% of the value of all assets, and man-made capital accounts for most of the remainder.

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