Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 18/09/2003
Author P.K. Das
Published By P.K. Das
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Slum-dwellers: The Continuing Struggle for Housing

Slum-dwellers: The Continuing Struggle for Housing

The Shiv Sena–BJP Government in Maharashtra came into power in March 1995. One of the promises given in the `WachanNama’ or Charter of Commitments of the Shiv Sena – BJP alliance in Maharashtra was the promise of providing free houses to 40 lakh slum-dwellers in Greater Mumbai. This was the greatest bluff ever perpetrated on the city’s poor. While a small section of the slum-dwellers, mostly the slum-lords, a large number of elected representatives, and the highly opportunistic self-styled leaders were excited by the offer, the majority realized from the very beginning that this was merely a political gimmick.

In many interviews and discussions both in the press and otherwise, Mr.Bal Thackeray, founder and leader of the Shiv Sena who was also the architect of this scheme of free houses to the slums-dwellers, could not elaborate on how this target would be achieved, nor did he have any definite program to do so. After coming to power, the program was pursued by the Government for implementation.

But if it failed miserably and as expected, led to serious violations of land and housing rights, including the abuse of human rights. The slum-dwellers have been subject to greater abuse and threat of displacement. This policy is being continued by the present government led by the Congress and Nationalist Congress coalition. This government has further introduced a host of new concessions to facilitate and appease the developers. These do not benefit the slum-dwellers.

The tragedy in housing in the city has all along been the fact that the plans and policies have continuously alienated the people. The capability of the slum-dwellers and their co-operatives to undertake (direct) responsibility for the development of their own housing has been denied. Instead, the Government has continuously resorted to violent attacks on the slum-dwellers and demolition of their houses, refusing to recognize the people’s right to housing and denying slum-dwellers participation in the drafting of the various policies and programs.

Also Read: Socio-Economic Conditions of Slums Dwellers

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