Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 09/06/2023
Author Ajuntament de Barcelona
Published By Ajuntament de Barcelona
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Barcelona’s social and affordable housing policy

Barcelona’s social and affordable housing policy

Duration of the affordability

Goal: all affordable housing units (HPO) remain permanently affordable.
§ Between 1940 and 2011, 12,836,692 units were built in Spain. Half of them (6,424,018) were HPO. Almost all of them have lost their affordability and have joined the private market.

§ País Vasco, Illes Balears, Navarra, and Catalunya are the first four regions to regulate affordable housing policy in perpetuity.
§ Catalunya: Decret-llei 17/2019, de 23 de desembre, de measures urgents per millorar l’accés a l’habitatge.

Affordable housing zoning requirements

Goal: increase land reserves for HPO to promote social mixing and avoid segregation.
Additionally, promote that at least half of the affordable units are in rental. Barcelona and the Metropolitan Area (AMB):

§ HPO requirements in green fields: 40% (20% in rental). The minimum statewide is 30%, with no minimum in rental.
§ HPO requirements in brownfields: 40% (20% in rental). The minimum statewide is 10%, with no minimum in rental.
§ HPO requirements in existing buildings or plots: 30% (no rental requirement). There is no minimum statewide. Pioneering instrument at the State level.

Also Read: Innovative Housing Models for Older Adults

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