Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 20/10/2016
Author Yoshihiro Okamoto
Published By Social Inclusion
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Japanese Social Exclusion and Inclusion from a Housing Perspective

Japanese Social Exclusion and Inclusion from a Housing Perspective

This paper examines conditions of social exclusion and attempts at social inclusion in Japan from a housing perspective. Companies, households, and the government have previously supported housing in Japan. However, corporate welfare was withdrawn following the globalization of the economy from the 1990s onwards, support from families and communities declined due to a reduction in household size, and governmental housing support has shifted away from direct support. A reduction in income and unstable work left many people with unstable housing. Certain workers, such as foreigners performing dispatched labor, could not maintain continuous work under the influence of the Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy in 2008.

Household size has shrunk according to changes in the industrial structure, and the number of households that cannot sustain housing is increasing. Such vulnerable households—elderly people, the handicapped, low-income earners, and single parents—can become excluded from the rental housing market. On the other hand, governmental measures promote local dwellings and maintain the conditions for a dwelling service. Activities, such as local community support of the homeless have been initiated by various Non-profit Organisations (NPOs) and NPO activities are increasingly exemplifying measures to achieve social inclusion.

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