Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 14/12/2018
Author Raritha Joshy
Published By International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Edited By Tabassum Rahmani

Spatial Analysis of Affordable Houses in India

Spatial analysis of affordable houses in India


According to the economic conditions and population prevailing in India, there exist a Spatial analysis for low cost and affordable housing. The technical group in association with MHUPA (Ministry of housing and urban poverty Alleviation) arrived in a conclusion based on their survey; at the end of India’s tenth five year plan, the housing shortage will be approximately 24.71 million for 66.30 million households.(88% for Economically WeakerSection,11% for Lower Income Group ,and rest for Middle Income Group and High Income Group). Affordable housing offers all basic amenities and facilities with quality, better construction but at a price point that is affordable by any income group. Therefore, affordable housing come across all income groups of the society.

Spatial analysis

Spatial analysis Of Housing Cost:

The housing cost is a guideline for affordable housing which do not exceed 30% of a household’s gross income. However India uses a 40% rule. Certain factors that force us to think of affordable housing are increasing population, rapid urbanization, and demand supply mismatch. Even though affordable housing schemes prevail in the country, it does not reach in the hands of the needy. My overall aim of my research is to Spatial analysis the affordable housing for LIG and MIG and who really wants it. Case studies and literature studies were conducted based on parameters such as spatial quality cost and materials.

Main Factors:

Therefore, in this study the major factors that are examined are; the affordability of each income group and how the infrastructure can be provided accordingly. As a conclusion it is desired to develop certain strategies for affordable housing for above mentioned income groups. Live case studies and literature case studies lead to a certain set of strategies suitable for middle and low income housing which were likely to be concluded through their analysis and inference.

Planning of the Service:

Core In any ‘site and service’ scheme the service cores (wc, wash, kitchen) form nuclei around which the houses grow and the communities eventually develop. Insensitivity to the social and physical needs of the people in this respect can condemn the whole community to an unpleasant future.

Planning of the EWS Dwelling:

Often In the designing of a new township, the program often commences at the master plan level and come down to individual dwelling units. Here The clusters and the dwellings units are locked into the format as residues. To avoid this, dwelling plans and elevations have been prepared alongside the master plan to be fused into the whole. The emphasis has been on the creation of inviting comfortable homes in harmony with the surroundings.

Spatial Connectivity:

Spatial connectivity is another important factor that enhances spatial quality of a space. It is related with the living conditions and spatial structuring. Certain houses even with minimal spatial analysis conditions have a better inter connectivity with spaces. This factor enhances the living conditions even though if it is a low cost compact house. Spatial connectivity refers to the interconnection between the spaces in a house. Certain houses (say dining living and kitchen) must have an inter connection as these are the semipublic spaces.

Spatial analysis quality:

Certain strategies can be practiced in order to increase the spatial quality of a house whether it is LIG or MIG without compromising the affordability. Spatial quality can be enhanced by enhancing certain factors:

• Spatial quantity

• Circulation

• verticality


As a conclusion it is desired to develop certain strategies for affordable housing for above mentioned income groups. Live case studies and literature case studies lead to a certain set of strategies suitable for middle and low income housing which were likely to be concluded through their analysis and inference.

Based on the case studies and literature studies and the detailed analysis study, certain parameters can be obtained for the housing in lower and middle income group. It shows huge dissimilarities in layout, function, materials, cost and area.

Another important conclusion arrived is that other than low income and middle income communities, there exist, or can exist another community, which comes in between these two groups. They can be listed as:

  •  low middle income group (LMIG)
  •  high middle income group(HMIG)

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