Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date14/12/2018
AuthorRaritha Joshy
Published ByInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Edited ByTabassum Rahmani

Spatial analysis of affordable houses in India

According to the economic conditions and population prevailing in India, there exist a huge demand for low cost and affordable housing. The technical group in association with MHUPA (Ministry of housing and urban poverty Alleviation) arrived in a conclusion based on their survey; at the end of India’s tenth five year plan, the housing shortage will be approximately 24.71 million for 66.30 million households.(88% for Economically WeakerSection,11% for Lower Income Group ,and rest for Middle Income Group and High Income Group). Affordable housing offers all basic amenities and facilities with quality, better construction but at a price point that is affordable by any income group. Therefore, affordable housing come across all income groups of the society.

The housing cost is a guideline for affordable housing which do not exceed 30% of a household’s gross income. However India uses a 40% rule. Certain factors that force us to think of affordable housing are increasing population, rapid urbanization, and demand supply mismatch.[1] Even though affordable housing schemes prevail in the country, it does not reach in the hands of the needy. My overall aim of my research is to examine the affordable housing for LIG and MIG and who really wants it. Case studies and literature studies were conducted based on parameters such as spatial quality cost and materials. Therefore, in this study the major factors that are examined are; the affordability of each income group and how the infrastructure can be provided accordingly. As a conclusion it is desired to develop certain strategies for affordable housing for above mentioned income groups. Live case studies and literature case studies lead to a certain set of strategies suitable for middle and low income housing which were likely to be concluded through their analysis and inference.

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