Reducing housing stress and homelessness is a top priority for the Tasmanian Liberal Government. All Tasmanians should live in homes that are safe, affordable and appropriate to their needs but this is not the case for many low income households. To support Tasmania’s Affordable Housing Strategy 2015-2025 the Government has developed Tasmania’s Affordable Housing Action Plan 2015-2019 which articulates the Government’s commitment over the next four years to deliver a landmark improvement in support for the supply of affordable housing in Tasmania. The Tasmanian Liberal Government’s investment in the Affordable Housing Strategy will see 1600 vulnerable Tasmanian households housed over the next four years, which will be supported by the construction of 941 new homes, and support for access to existing homes. The Action Plan commences with an immediate investment of $13.5 million in addition to the $9.3 million in New Projects already contained in the 2015-16 Budget. the program will be conducted statewide, it aims to primarily target the north and northwest regions of Tasmania. The program will purchase dwellings from builders and developers under a Request for Tender to be released this year. This is based on approaches used successfully by Housing Tasmania in the past. It will offer small and medium enterprises with the opportunity to develop new homes in small unit complexes. The homes will be retained as social housing for those off the Housing Register.
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Author | Working is in progress in ACASH |
Published By | Check Laterr |
Edited By | Tabassum Rahmani |