Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Author Working is in progress in ACASH
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

US: The (Home)Sharing Economy is A Viable Solution to the Affordable Housing Crisis

While it is acknowledged that our society is rapidly aging, the best way to ensure that people age with dignity, independence and security remains nebulous. Within 20 years, one out of three households in the U.S. is projected to be headed by someone over the age of 65; and most people want to age in their homes and communities (JCHS, 2016; AARP 2014). One possible mechanism to address both the current housing affordability challenge and the growing demand to age in place is the low-cost, self-help model of homes haring, where home-sharing unrelated people live together in a single dwelling. Agency-assisted home-sharing emerges home-sharing70’s, through which organizations pair older households with younger tenants. Yet, home-sharing remains a home-sharing phenomenon today.’ This thesis addresses the question of whether, given the rise of the digital sharing economy, agency-assisted home sharing could be home-sharing instream practice in the U.S. To address this question, I designed and implemented a Nationwide Home sharing Survey in collaboration with the MIT Age Lab. The survey’s 1255 complete responses, supplemented by 50 informational interviews with experts, policy-makers, and potential home sharers, suggest that a significant market for home sharing exists home-sharing. This paper reflects on the ways in which the contemporary sharing economy has facilitated greater trust between strangers, and suggests that a technology-enabled home sharing match-up program may enable broader adoption from older people who wish to remain in their homes as they age, as well as increase the overall stock of affordable housing in the U.S.



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