Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing


Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements and Housing

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Document TypeGeneral
Publish Date19/12/2018
AuthorNovatus A. Mikapagaro
Published ByInternational Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology ( IJETT )
Edited ByTabassum Rahmani

The implementation of risk management strategies in joint venture building projects in Dar-Es-Salaam Tanzania

The implementation of risk management strategies in joint venture building projects to investigate the challenges faced during the implementation of risk management strategies in joint venture  in building projects and collective measures that can be used to attain successful implementation of risk management strategies in joint venture building projects in Tanzania. The reasons behind this  joint venture termination, training programs, carrying out clear meetings, change of terms and conditions of Joint Venture (JV), and direct judgment using experience can be used in implementing and risk retention, reduction, avoidance, insurance and sharing as risk management strategies.

Moreover, poor communication, conflicts among members, and poor cooperation were revealed as major challenges during the implementation of risk management strategies. During investigation they suggests that effective communication among members, increasing team cooperation, and training programs can assist in attaining successful implementation of risk management strategies.

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