Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 23/04/2014
Author Faridah Ismail
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Edited By Tabassum Rahmani

The Quality of Life in Low Cost Residential Environment in Malaysia

The Quality of Life in Low Cost Residential Environment in Malaysia


The level of satisfaction with the residential environment affects the quality of life. Thus, the aim of this paper is to measure the quality of life in the current low-cost residential environment under the management of City Hall Kuala Lumpur (CHKL). A questionnaire survey was distributed among occupants of public low-cost residential. The findings indicate that the quality of life is measured using objective and subjective indicators. Generally, occupants of the lower-cost residential are satisfied with the physical design element but are unsatisfied with the physical environment elements.

Quality of Life

The Malaysian government has implemented a housing strategy of constructing low-cost housing for lower income groups. During the economic decline within the late 1997, the four-tier pricing system for PPR schemes in metropolitan areas and major towns for the resettlement of squatters was implemented to ensure citizens, particularly lower income groups to continue to have advantages of affordable and quality housing (Ai Tee and Ahmad, 2012). This four-tier pricing system was created due to the economic recession in the late 1997. However, it is important to ensure that this system is able to create a harmonious society.

The measurement indicators for Quality Of Life:

According to Haryati Shafii. The approach presented in this study combines aspects of home comfort and the level of satisfaction upon the physical elements used as an indicator of quality of life which are the physical design elements and the physical environment elements. Housing satisfaction is an important component to achieve good quality of life. A household’s housing satisfaction is a major factor affecting the feeling of general well-being and an indicator of quality of life. Good quality houses can give a higher quality of life for the occupants.

A house that cannot fulfill the needs and values of families can cause problems such as mental and physical problems, environmental pollution, congestion, and various family problems. Nurizan,1998). According to the Nurizan, Haryati Shafii and Nurasyikin Miskam, the quality of life can be measured using two indicators which are objective indicators and also subjective indicators.

The physical Element Indicators for Quality Of Life:

The effect of physical attributes of the quality of life can be measured by the assessment of the physical elements indicator through the analysis of physical characteristics of public low cost flats. The physical elements of the houses can be objective indicators to measure the quality of life. Since the approach presented in this study combines aspects of home comfort and the level of satisfaction in the physical elements to be used as an indicator for quality of life, the elements that need to be considered are the physical design elements and physical environment elements.

Physical design elements:

According to the Zappetini (2001) physical design aspects include the size of interior division, material and workmanship.

a) Size of the interior division:

The floor space of low cost flats is 650 square feet and is small compared to other types of houses. On the other hand, the limited floor space in low cost flats contains only a maximum of three rooms and combines the living room and the dining hall. Besides that, there is only one toilet to be shared among many people in the house. The internal layout of low cost flats has shown vast differences in terms of the activities that can be carried out in the houses.

b) Quality of material:

The quality of the materials in construction can also affect the quality of life. This is because poor quality material results in house defects, which increases costs for maintenance. Besides that, the occupants will feel uncomfortable staying and carrying out activities in that house.

c) Quality of workmanship:

The quality of workmanship is the quality of the house’s construction. Poor workmanship also leads to defects in the house which can incur costs for repair work. The implementation of low cost housing schemes has changed the living patterns of the lower income group. They want a house that they can afford and want it to be in good quality.

Physical environment element:

Based on research by Khair the environment aspects around the house such as the provision of the facilities and amenities, the health and safety, the maintenance of houses, ventilation, noise, density, location of the house, humidity, privacy and management of the houses.

a) Privacy:

Besides the need of comfort for sleep, privacy is also needed to ensure that the occupants can have enjoyment in the house. The limitation of space reduces the number of the activities that can be done in the house.

b) Facilities provided:

Besides the physical elements of the house, the provision of facilities and utilities can also be used to measure the quality of life. Areas around the residential block serve as a suitable unit for analysis of residential social life.

c) Ventilation:

Ventilation in the public low cost area is very important for good ventilation can create a more comfortable environment for the occupants. Ventilation depends on the location of the houses. Housing units on higher levels have better ventilation.

Satisfaction level indicators for Quality Of Life:

Satisfaction level indicators for are the subjective measurement indicators for quality of life. According to Sheldon and land (1972), measurement of the subjective indicator refers to the occupants feeling, perception and also the experience of the occupants toward their house. In a research by Nurizan (1998), there are a few aspects to be measured as subjective indicators which satisfaction level of housing condition, facilities and external environment.


In this paper, the analysis and discussion of the research instruments used; the questionnaire survey supported by literature was presented. Thus, the aim of this paper is to measure the quality of life on the current low cost residential environment under the management of City Hall Kuala Lumpur (CHKL). For physical design elements, there was a higher level of satisfaction towards the interior division and a moderate level of satisfaction for the size of the toilet, kitchen, living hall and dining hall. For the quality of workmanship, there was a moderate level of satisfaction for the quality of doors, piping, flooring and paint.

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