Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Theory of Housing, From Housing, About Housing

Four positions concerning theorizing housing-related phenomena are discussed. Theory of housing: It is possible and desirable to construct a theory of housing to which all housing-related research topics can be related. (2) Theory about housing: It is not possible, nor desirable to try to construct a theory of housing; one should rather apply theoretical resources developed in established disciplines and research fields in theorizing housing-related topics. (3) Theory from housing: It is possible and desirable to theorize housing by scrutinizing the nature of housing as a special activity and experience. (4) Theory of housing: It is possible and desirable to construct a theory about the invariable relationships between features of the housing system and features of society.

The theory of housing is shown to be questionable basically due to the fact that housing is not a research topic but a common denominator of various topics. Theory about housing is acceptable with the qualification that housing research can feedback to more general theorizing. Theory from housing offers a limited perspective on theorizing but it can serve as a necessary check to another theorizing. Problems with the Theory of housing have to do with the balance between abstract generalization and concrete empirical/historical analysis.



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