Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Edited By Saba Bilquis
UN-Habitat Global Housing Strategy

UN-Habitat Global Housing Strategy Framework

UN-Habitat Global Housing Strategy Framework

The UN-Habitat Global Housing Strategy is a collaborative global movement towards adequate housing for all and improving access to housing in general and the living conditions of slum dwellers in particular.

Its main objective is to assist member States in working towards the realization of the right to adequate housing.

To achieve the goal of adequate housing for all, the backbone of the Strategy will rely on the principle of inclusive cities as the foundation for sustainable urban development.

Inclusive cities are achieved by mainstreaming human rights in urban development, including housing and slum upgrading, to ensure social integration and aiming for the elimination of the urban divide.

One of the main objectives of the Strategy is for member States to develop national housing strategies.

A national housing strategy, as a pillar of national urban policy, comprises agreed sets of activities formalized in Strategy documents and their updates.

It guides policies, planning and programming of investment, management and maintenance activities in the areas of housing, slum upgrading and slum prevention.

These need to be formulated with the full participation of all relevant stakeholders.

UN-Habitat Global Housing Strategy

Housing strategies, at national and city levels, are inseparable from land-use strategies, infrastructure strategies, including mobility and local economic development strategies, all integrated in the broad, participatory and inclusive urban planning and management process within a supportive legal and regulatory framework.

The expected outcomes of the UN-Habitat Global Housing Strategy through a paradigm shift in thinking and practice in housing policy will (re)position housing within the global contemporary debate on economically viable, environmentally and culturally sustainable and socially inclusive cities and towns.

Also read: Affordable Housing Strategy 2020-2030

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