Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 24/01/2019
Author Gjergi Thomai and Daniel Guralumi
Published By University of Business and Technology in Kosovo
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Urban Land Management Policy For The Central And Local government In Albania

Urban Land Management Policy For The Central And Local Government in Albania

Nowadays respective public institutions are not well-positioned to address the broader issues and strategies of urban development, yet their decisions create legal precedents and produce concrete activities, which affect the urban environment. Procedures and planning normative are ineffective and inefficient, standards need to be studied, and the most important one land ownership needs to be clarified. Demographic growth, rural-urban migration, the rapid expansion of the urbanized zone, land ownership changes, and changes in demand and supply of the land resulted in chaotic development patterns, wasteful land resources, and costly infrastructure and urban services.

With the land transactions and building activity occurring outside the legal framework for development, documenting ownership, registering titles, and recording transactions are becoming extremely complex and, in a way are obstacles to the intervention for later improvement. The challenge faced by the government is to introduce comprehensive land management with a mix of options. The purpose of this paper is to review and assess the central and local government policy on land management and development. At the same time, it will also identify the main problems, strengths as well as weaknesses, and the areas that need to be improved.

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