Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 06/01/2020
Author Atamewan, Eugene Ehimatie
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Useof Bamboo for Sustainable Housing Construction in Developing Countries

Bamboo is one rare building material that acts as a sequestration agent. This means that bamboo has the characteristic of removing carbon dioxide from the environment, replacing it with the needed oxygen that supports human life. According to Baksy (2013), bamboo produces approximately 35% more oxygen than corresponding stands of trees.

In the past, the use of bamboo for the construction of houses is of the leading building materials for the construction of traditional houses. As the recent search for an alternative to timber as material for building material. Bamboo is economical and easily available material for construction. The use of bamboo as a building material has undergone some industrial revolution and modernization in recent times resultantly rising its applicability. Bamboo is only used on the construction side it may be used in toys, medicine, aircraft making, and others. We will focus here only on the use of bamboo as a construction material in combination with other available materials for the construction of low-income housing in which has helped in the provision of affordable housing, thereby reducing homelessness in this part of the world and solving housing problems globally. As for as the strength and flexibility is a concern of bamboo have as a property couple with the strength-weight ratio advantage gives bamboo its resilience against high-velocity wind forces. So we can easily say that bamboo is a suitable material for building construction that can withstand earthquakes and hurricanes.

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