Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 23/10/2019
Author Dr. Alina Turner, Amanda Buchnea, David French, Dr. Anika Mifsud, Chantal Hansen, Camilo Camacho Escamilla
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Suneela Farooqi

Community Housing and Homelessness Integrated Plan

The Community Housing & Homelessness Integrated Plan captures key learnings from the last 10 years of research and action, combined with over 2,700 community voices. An important step within the development of the Plan has been reflecting on where the community has been, what the current situation looks like, and projecting our future needs. In developing this Plan, we hope to ignite renewed sense of commitment and energy, creativity and hope to drive implementation.

A number of key system gaps emerged, informing these affordable housing and homelessness targets. Realization of these targets will require an aggressive growth strategy, unwavering commitment from the private sector and leadership and support from all levels of government.

This Community Housing & Homelessness Integrated Plan platform represents a way forward for Red Deer to build on the success of the previous plan to end homelessness, address the lack of affordable housing, and improve mental health and addictions supports as the community works to mitigate the drug crisis. Unifying these priorities by sharing data and resources across agencies will enhance system-wide efficiencies. Similarly, bringing so many diverse stakeholders to the table will ensure that the resulting implementation will be informed by those working closest to the ground and thus is responsive to community needs.

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