Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 19/12/2019
Author Kestride Estil
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Waste to Housing: Using Plastic Waste to Build Sustainable Housing in Haiti

Many recent natural disasters in Haiti have also increased their need for adequate housing. Even before the 2010 earthquake that devastated the country, roughly 70 percent of Port-au-Prince’s population lived in informal settlements, often lacking essential services (USAID, 2018). Over the next ten years, the Government of Haiti estimates that the country will need up to 500,000 additional housing units to make up for the pre-earthquake housing shortage and accommodate the high amount of predicted urban growth (USAID, 2018).

A critical issue in urban planning to manage our waste especially in developing countries such as Haiti and the population is increasing rapidly and some countries are managing their waste by outsourcing most of their recycling to other countries. This solution  could not no longer be feasible due to  China has stopped importing recycling which is causing a significant problem for those countries that export waste. The adequate plastic waste management is a great challenge in developing countries because lack of infrastructure to accommodate their waste. The rising living standards of urban cities of the developing world have increased the rate of their municipal solid waste and it is a  worldwide great challenge to manage their waste.

Adequate plastic waste management is challenging in developing countries, mainly due to their lack of infrastructure to accommodate their growing quantities of waste. The rapidly growing populations and rise in community living standards of urban cities of the developing world have increased the rate of their municipal solid waste, causing management to be a significant worldwide challenge (The World Bank, 2018). The collection of garbage causes an even bigger problem since, in many areas, municipal authorities of developing countries are either unwilling or unable to provide waste collection services to all residents in their jurisdiction. Nations like Haiti in the developed world, also have limited opportunities to create sustainable waste management systems because government budgets are limited, thus causing them to overlook regular waste collection.

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